Psychiatrist, Author, Portrait Artist, Photographer, Public Speaker

Dr. Manuel Matas is the author of The Borders of Normal: A Clinical Psychiatrist De-Stigmatizes Paranormal Phenomena. He has had forty years of experience working in the mental health field. Throughout his life he has had a number of experiences which could be considered anomalous or paranormal. It is his hope that by sharing his knowledge and experience in both psychiatry and the world of the unknown, he will provide a bridge between these two worlds and will give people permission to share their own experiences without shame or embarrassment.

The Borders of Normal: A Clinical Psychiatrist De-Stigmatizes Paranormal Phenomena is available at:
Barnes and Noble
Chapters Indigo
Banyen Books
FriesenPress Bookstore
eBooks available from Kindle, Google Play, NOOK, Kobo, iTunes Bookstore, and FriesenPress.